Thursday, October 17, 2019

Two Seen on a Sidewalk in Brooklyn— Man and Little Girl

Carrying my grocery bags, I made my way up the street about two blocks from where I lived. The sun had set since I’d left work two hours ago. And now, two trains, a visit to the grocery store, and one bus later, I would soon be home.  Up ahead, a man and a young girl exited a restaurant. 

They were both dressed for the brisk Fall weather ushered in by the torrential rains from the night before. He had on a sturdy looking jacket above his jeans and was wearing what appeared from the back to be a baseball hat. She had on tights under a purple sweatshirt and a few steps into their journey, drew up its hood.

They felt like father and daughter. Or, more specifically like a Daddy and his little girl on their way home after having dinner. Initially, they held hands, but in the wake of the hood settling down on her head, they’d come to a mutual agreement that resulted in him carrying her while she looped her left arm around his neck.

As they walked, I could hear them speaking softly while they took in their surroundings. When they stopped in front of a specialty hardware store, he pointed out some things, she stayed engaged, and then they moved on. 

Our paths ended up diverging when they crossed to the other side of the street.  But as I watched their continued close, easy interaction, I found myself thinking of my younger brother and my niece— his bright, funny, wonderful, six year old daughter. I could see my brother carrying my niece and connecting with her in the same way. And that was a lovely thought to carry me the rest of the way home.