Monday, August 19, 2019

Flashback at the Doctor's Office

Today was my first doctor visit with a new doctor, in a new office.

I was early and therefore had time to fill out the giant stack of forms.  A fellow waiting room patient joked it was practically like taking an exam in school with its multiple choice, fill in the blank and mini essay section. On my way back from handing it in, the same patient asked if I passed. I admitted to him I was granted the opportunity to take a section home as I didn’t have all the answers on me.  He replied with, “Homework!” And we both laughed đŸ˜„

Some minutes later, I looked over in time to see one of the attendants come out holding a folder. She went directly to the receptionist who had checked me in and pointed to something in the folder. Next thing I heard was the receptionist saying she couldn’t help and that she was on her own. 

Back in the day, whenever I started a new school or course that required the enrollees’ names being called out, I would always listen with such focus. As the instructor went through the names alphabetically, my attention would sharpen as we got closer to the the letter O. 100% of the time there would be a pause right before my name and before they could attempt it I would quickly put my hand up in the air and say, “Present!”

All those memories came rushing back in that moment as I sat there in the waiting room. It had been years since I’d been in that particular situation of having to listen for my birth name. But I knew the attendant and receptionist were afraid of pronouncing my first name incorrectly. Quickly I put my hand up in the air and called out to them saying I knew they were talking about me. The attendant looked over and took a stab. At my last name. Which she got right. I congratulated her. She looked relieved and we all laughed.