Friday, March 16, 2018

Mental snapshot of kindness, Riding the Bus

Mental snapshot of kindness.  On the first leg of my morning commute, the bus had already begun pulling away from the stop when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, a woman who had been running up to catch it, slow down in defeat. But right on the heels of that, another passenger, who had also noticed, immediately, passionately, called out, “Wait! Wait! Someone’s coming!” And then the domino of that kindness culminated with the bus driver coming to a stop, and allowing the grateful runner, now joined by a few others, to board. Looking over at the helpful passenger— just as she made eye contact — I grinned, saluting her with a double, one handed thumbs up.  That made her laugh.  While those who benefited from her alerting the driver will never know the role she played, I did.  It was awesome of her. And I wanted her to know.