Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Hi-five Lessons on the Subway

As I stood on the subway train-- only three stops before making my next connection-- I happened to glance over at family of four. 

The mom was sitting, slightly bent over a baby stroller. Next to her was an outgoing little girl wearing glasses and a quiet little boy, both approximately 4 or 5 years old.  Sitting in the stroller was a little girl in pigtails who appeared to be around 2 1/2 years old. The older girl was in the process of trying to teach the younger one how to high five.

Holding up her right hand, palm facing the younger girl, the older one asked her to mirror her. She tried this method a few times, and then, perhaps thinking her student needed to see it in action, demonstrated by high five-ing the mom. 

Taking it a step further, just in case this called for a more hands on approach, the older girl leaned towards the little one, physically picked up her hand, and then struck it against her own--effectively making a high five happen.

Now. Now, that contact had finally been made, the older girl, thoroughly confident in her teaching abilities, once again held up her hand and invited the younger one to a high five.

In reply, the younger one  laughed. Rather cheekily. And then, with mischief dancing in her eyes, retreated as far as she could into her stroller.

I think everyone watching would  have agreed that the lesson was over.