Standing inside the outer lobby of the Regal Cinemas on Broadway between 13th and 14th, across the busy New York sidewalk, slightly upstage of the pedestrian traffic, I caught sight of a hug in progress.
But to call it a hug seems rather understated, as I felt the ease of affection displayed upon this public stage, and marveled at the depth of love, trust, and heart exchanged by both parties who, in that moment, seemed unaware of the march of feet and time happening around them.
The young boy, possibly 7,8,9 years of age, had both of his arms wrapped tightly around, and both his legs braced firmly on either side, of an older male guardian.
The guardian, possibly in his late 30ties, 40ties, early 50ties, had his arms wrapped fiercely around the young boy, his eyes closed, giving and receiving love in equal measure.
When the guardian eased his embrace, he stood in place while the young boy, whose feet were now firmly on the ground, held onto the older man's waist for a brief moment.
Then breaking free and taking the lead, the boy crossed over to the right hand side of the man, and proffered his left hand.
Contact made, they continued on their journey.
The display of love, touched my heart. The fact that this young boy was so comfortable in his physical display of affection, and his male guardian was just as open hearted in the receiving and in the giving of love, made me stop, made me pay attention, and, in the witnessing, honestly, made me love.