Wednesday, November 9, 2016
I Woke Up this Morning
I went to bed last night a person who believes in love. I went to bed last night a person who tries to be a better, kinder person in action and in thoughts. I went to bed last night a person whose moral default strives to be conscious and empower myself and others from a place of consciousness. I went to bed last night a person who believes in compassion, in respect, and in playing my part to the best of my abilities in this massive stage production of comedy-tragedy-theatre-of-the-absurd-theatre-of-cruelty-fantasy-adventure-musical-drama called life. I woke up this morning and although I am still that person, there have been changes. Some old characters now have more prominent roles and the stakes appear higher than ever. But looking within, I, too, see I have been visited by change. And this a change I welcome wholeheartedly. This internal change is to now pursue my aforementioned objectives with greater passion and unwavering focus. My circumstances don't have to define me-- ultimately, I get to define me. Along the way, there may be tears, feelings of anger, bewilderment, frustration, but I will always, always, return to love. I will always, always, champion, love.