Rainbow in Brooklyn. With awe and delight, I noticed it as I walked up the subway's stairs, joining the evening commuter traffic out on the busy sidewalk. Of all the reactions I took note of, my favorite was that of a young man and woman, mid to late twenties, trying to cross the street against the traffic light. Despite the humidity, her Raven black, shoulder length, slightly wavy hair was down. His long, dark brown hair was held in two intricately styled French braids. As they were crossing, he pointed out the rainbow. His expression gave nothing away about his feelings at seeing it, but I was drawn to the fact that had he noticed, and then pointed it out to her. Her expression, previously furrowed brow intent on finding a break in the car traffic, gave way to a slightly stunned yet understated look of surprise, as she vocalized her appreciation with the single word, "Sh*t."