Monday, November 30, 2015

Excerpt from a Book

“I think you’re feeling the winds of change. That’s what I think. Your soul knows what lies ahead, because your soul brought you into this life. Whenever a being in physical life is about to shift in consciousness and understanding, the ego-self – that is the voice of the personality seeking to keep things safe and secure – will be tested. You are most likely feeling this as anxiety. It’s a feeling of disquiet that you can’t quite understand. The way forward is to send love and acceptance to the feelings, and surrender to the path of the soul. Then you will be more at peace. Be assured that, as long as your intention is based on love and ‘right action,’ everything is as it should be.”—Ascemius to his daughter, Essayenya, in Judy Satori’s book, Sunshine Before the Dawn

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

On this day two months ago, I moved to my new place. I actually realized this two days ago whilst surfing waves upon waves of heartfelt gratitude. I had come home from work and just found myself filled with gratefulness. Now, it hasn't all been smooth sailing. With the physical change has come a variety of opportunities for growth-- on all fronts actually. But even with some of the growing pains, I like to believe I'm meeting these experiences with as much consciousness as I can connect to-- both in the moment and later when I rewind the mental footage of my thoughts and actions. And weaving through, underneath it all, is still that feeling of gratitude that things do work out for me and my life is filled with countless blessings. So, dear Universe, keep bringing on the opportunities for growth. I'm not saying I'm going to love every moment in the thick of it ;) But I am trusting I'll be grateful for the growth it'll usher forth. And with that, I bid you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and wish you thoughts and hearts brimming with gratitude ❤️

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Surrender the Relationship

Someone may not forgive you
though you’ve tried to make amends,
Surrender the relationship
When you catch yourself
keeping score of perceived hurts and slights,
Surrender the relationship
When thinking of the person or situation
triggers pain, anger, tears,
Surrender the relationship
If you are ready to embrace peace
and heartfelt forgiveness
Ask Spirit to assist and then actively,
Surrender the relationship ☼ Breath's Possibilities

Monday, November 9, 2015

Waiting for the Bus after Work

Slowly, night painted the skies, steadily eclipsing the smoke gray clouds with determined strokes of indigo blue.
She smiled to herself and then threw a hopeful look down the street, praying to see her bus.
Sigh. No sign.
It felt like she'd been waiting for it since the beginning of time. She hadn't of course. But she had been waiting long enough for hyperbole to make a comfortable home within her thoughts.
Glancing down, a few feet away from where she stood at the bus stop, a solitary centipede ambled by.
She sighed again.
Well, at least we're meeting outside, she reasoned at the centipede, telepathically. Unlike your various kinsmen who were making a habit of breaking into my home several weeks ago. 
Honestly, she continued, unfazed that the centipede seemed focused on its journey, paying her no mind. Honestly, I am perfectly okay with crossing paths with you outside...Preferably as a picture in a book or a magazine. But indoors-- where I sleep and eat and pay rent? I'm sorry, but that bugs me. HA! Get it? Bugs me? Because you're a centi--
She stopped mid thought and automatically glanced down the street again.
Come on bus, she conjured, silently. Where are you? Save me from making puns!