Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12/9/14 Entry (Keeping Your Heart Open)

Sometimes, keeping one’s heart open can feel like an arduous task. Replacing old patterns of shutting down, shutting off, “protecting” it. But sometimes, some moments feel harder to re-pattern. And sometimes, upon further investigation, it’s usually several “small” moments that have accumulated. Accumulated enough to pack a punch. A punch of hurt that can’t really be ignored. Or can be "ignored" to the point of one’s detriment. I see two alternatives. Either allow the hurt to wall up the heart to further hurts. Which would also mean walling up the heart against experiencing more love. Or, work through the hurt, all the while encouraging it to really heal... Honestly, I don’t want to wall up my heart. I’d rather feel. I’d rather feel free. I’d rather feel peace. Sometimes, keeping one’s heart open can feel like an arduous task. But I prefer it to the alternative.