Three things of note (to me) before 8 AM this morning:
Wearing a brand new pair of socks--fresh out the package. Don't know why, but makes me smile grin emoticon
Watching a little boy, probably around 9/10/11 years of age envelope his father (or guardian) in a deep heartfelt hug this morning as we stood on the subway platform waiting for the train. I could see the little boy's smiling face and could feel the love radiating from the hug. It was just especially touching to me because the boy initiated it and held on for so long and the older gentleman just smiled and let himself be held on to smile emoticon
Connecting with a lady I haven't spoke to in-depth for sometime and in the connecting learning of the trials she's been weathering over the last few weeks. I was grateful to have been able to lend a listening ear. Goodness knows I've been in that place where experiencing the feeling of being heard--the feeling that someone "randomly" cared to just listen and empathize-- has been invaluable.
Hoping you make the best of your adventures today smile emoticon Good luck out there heart emoticon