Sunday, December 23, 2012

You Mirror My Healing

This thought came to me today as I was going through one of my Angel card decks.

I attract either that which needs to be healed (i.e. healed in me) or I attract that which contributes to my healing (i.e. that which contributes to my feeling healed).

The first part of that statement can be found in a scenario where I have attracted impatient people into my conscious experience. So, in that moment and for all future moments, to heal this inside of me, I need to realize and make peace with the importance of being more patient with others.

The second part of the statement can be illustrated in a scenario where someone unexpectedly makes eye contact with me and smiles. This in turn gives me an opportunity to smile back (personal choice/free will of course). Now, this exchange has the potential to raise my spirits (particularly if I had been feeling disconnected from feelings of love and abundance--which I personally believe is always around me if I would just take the time to notice).

Later in the day, I happened to have a conversation with my father that led me to do some research on chakras. We were talking about a physical issue and I wanted to see it's spiritual/energetic connection. I subscribe to the school of thought that anything that has manifested as a physical issue was first created energetically.

According to a general internet search via google, one definition of chakras is as follows: "(in Indian thought) Each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number."

Well, when I looked up the energetic component of the physical issue, imagine my joy at it's synchronistic connection to my earlier thought about relationships. Caroline Myss is an internationally renowned speaker in the field of human consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, energy medicine and medical intuition. According to Caroline Myss' Chakra Model, Chakra #2's Sacred Truth: Honor One Another reads, "Every relationship you develop from casual to intimate, helps you become more conscious. No union is without Spiritual value."

I love it when I notice synchronicity. It tells me the Universe is speaking to me and I'm listening :)

For more information on her chakra models, hold your cursor directly on the chakra of interest at the following link:

Sunday, December 9, 2012


On Thursday, Dec. 6th, 2012, I received the left toe foot tingling again.

I was at work and so I looked around trying to see what I was being asked to pay attention to. I saw nothing out of the ordinary. After some time, the tingling stopped, and so I continued with my day.

Later that evening, I came home and logged on to one of my social networking sites and found a friend request from someone who I had deleted sometime ago.

I immediately knew that the foot tingling was connected to her reappearance in my life.

I had disconnected from her a few years back because I needed to get to a place of forgiveness for her and for myself and the only way I knew to do it, was to sever all ties. We had been having communication problems and we had both approached it passive aggressively. The final straw for me was when she didn’t respond to my last message to her. Since I could feel the toxic emotions of anger beginning to take firmer root, I released myself from their increasingly tightening grip by clicking, Delete.

As I walked away, I prayed that I would get to a place of forgiveness for my perception of her actions and forgiveness for my perception of my feelings.

Looking back at the screen at her Friend request, I knew that this was also connected to the card I mentioned in my previous post—the card my friend had drawn for me from the HEALING WITH FAIRIES DECK BY DOREEN VIRTUE, the card titled PROBLEM RESOLVED.

I looked into my heart and when I was certain, I looked up again and this time accepted the Friend request.

Later, when I discussed this with my friend, Rachel May, she said that the warm foot tingles was a great sign of my personal guidance working and that from an intuitive anatomy perspective, feet represent moving forward in direction and in life.

Well, dear angels and archangels, bring on the warm foot tingles!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


There has been a lot happening in my life. I’m not going to do a recap here, but perhaps in sharing the following, you’ll get a clear idea.

This morning (Dec. 4th,2012), after requesting a message for the day from God and the Angels, I drew a card from Doreen Virtue’s Daily Guidance from Your Angels Oracle Deck.

Turning the card around, I read the words, BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF. After mulling it over for a bit, I had a pretty good idea what it was referring to.

Yesterday, a lady asked me for a reading via personal messaging on a social networking website. I had actually given her one via a practice reading thread some time ago. That was our only interaction to date. The reading thread is a forum where people volunteer to be read while others can volunteer to be readers.

I was surprised that she had contacted me personally, especially because she never gave me feedback on the general thread regarding the first reading I had given to her. But I did want to help and so I went ahead and pulled some cards for her, sending the new reading before I went to bed.

Well, this morning when I woke up, I logged on saw that she had checked the message but that she had not replied.

I looked down at my card again. BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF.

Honestly, thinking back to her message, I knew there was more I had wanted to say. I was concerned that if I didn’t speak up, she could very well keep asking me to pull cards for her via personal messaging, indefinitely. In this particular case, my intuition was telling me to honor my energy's request to set up boundaries.

So taking the angels’ message to heart, I penned an additional reply. In it, I brought up the BE HONEST WITH YOURSELF card. I told her that I adored being of service—which is absolutely true, I really do like to help—but that in the future, I preferred that she wait until I was volunteering on a reading thread before asking me to do one for her. I also encouraged her to get some angel cards and practice with them, as we all have the ability to have a personal dialogue with spirit at any time.

As I was writing, I felt as though my left toe was burning.
It was an intense sensation, but I was focused on finishing the message, so I didn’t think too much about it.

Sometime later, one of the friends that I had pulled single cards for, wrote back saying she wanted to draw one for me as well. I tried to dissuade her, telling her she didn’t have to do that, as my initial gesture was a gift from the heart.
But she wrote back, insisting. So finally, I conceded.

A short time following this exchange, I again noticed the burning sensation in my left toe. I was now in a better position to notice it’s intensity (I had been preoccupied the last time).

I don’t know of any other way to describe it other than it felt as if the lower left side of my leg was on fire. As it intensified, or perhaps as my attention to it intensified, I found myself automatically opening a word document. I thought perhaps, Spirit was signaling they wanted to send a message through me (mind you, this has never happened before, but I wanted to be prepared for anything).

Typing, I asked the angels if someone was trying to tell me something. Pausing after the question mark, I waited. Nothing. And my left pinkie toe was still on fire. Not knowing what else to do, I mentally asked AA Raphael to help me.

I glanced back at the social networking site and saw my friend had sent me the card reading. At the very moment, I made this discovery, my toe stopped burning!!!


“Your card jumped out as I knew it would! :)
(The name of the card was) Problem Resolved <3

Card meaning: an issue that's been bothering you is being healed behind the scenes. The solution is creative, ingenious, and is a joyous surprise for you.
– You’re on the cusp of experiencing welcome relief from a problem that's been bothering you. The fairies want you to know that you have reason to smile, as Heaven is working on the solution that is so creative that you'll chuckle with the light at God since of humor. Basically, it's a win – win for everyone. You'll soon be receiving good news, such as the healing of a strained relationship, and unexpected financial resource, a resolved health issue, I happy addition to your home, a new career opportunity, or romantic proposal. Please don't strain to figure out "how" this solution will be achieved, or in what form it will manifest.
Instead, let yourself enjoy feelings of excitement and gratitude as you allow us to help you.
Affirmation: I ask that all effects of mistakes and misunderstandings be undone, both in past and present.

So much Love and appreciation to you for simply being you! <3 “

In that moment, I knew that the toe burning sensation was connected to the message I had sent this morning. My toe was burning when I sent the message and now my toe was burning again because I had received confirmation that I had followed the advice from my first card. I felt I was basically being told, “You’re right on the money. You’re on fire!”

The information contained in the card that my friend had drawn was a response from Spirit verifying that I did do the right thing and everything was fine!

This appears to be another clear way in which Spirit chooses to communicate with me!

I LOVE IT!! I’m so excited for more!

Thank you, God and sweet Angels!!!!