Whenever it is possible, speak up when you know it contributes to taking kind and gentle care of you.
A: So, should we go to X, then Y, and then Z?
B (voice dialed up to blaring): We’re going to X first.
A: Please don’t yell at me.
B: We already went over this. You shouldn’t have to ask again.
A: Please don’t yell at me. There are times when I go over things with you more than once.
B replies in a way that shows nothing A says will change B’s perspective.
A: Please don’t yell at me.
B mutters a slew of things that still imply A is wrong.
A is upset but silent, as A has said what was important for A to say. A is also aware that B’s behavior is born out of how they were raised, trauma from the high bar of expectation that is perfectionism, and the lenses through which B views A in particular. A understands. A is truly grateful to be in a position to understand. This helps A to continue working at not taking it personally. But A also understands the need to address what feels unacceptable to their spirit: yelling and shaming in response to asking a question.
Speak up when you know it contributes to taking kind and gentle care of you. Sometimes it isn't possible. But when you are able, whenever it is possible, speak up. You might not change the other person’s behavior, but you will continue in playing your part in taking loving care of you.
Cheering. You. On🌱💚