Sunday, October 31, 2021

An Unexpected Kindness

I was out and about in the world today. Partly to save money, as well as for exercise purposes, and to enjoy being outside on this sunny, fall day, I made the decision to walk. Twenty minutes in one direction, I arrived at the atm machine where I withdrew the rest of the rent money. Then 45 minutes from there, in the opposite direction, I ventured into the new Dollar store that opened this past week before finally making my way to Target. By the time I left Target, purchases in hand, it was getting late; I wanted to take the bus home. I crossed the street to the bus stop and, after about 10 minutes of waiting, I was approached by an older gentleman. Though there were other people waiting at the various bus stops nearby-- including a few standing next to me, he made eye contact, approached, and without saying a word, held out a bus transfer card. At first, not comprehending what was going on, I shook my head. But then I realized he was gifting it to me! It’s likely that at the beginning of his travels, he’d boarded a bus, paid the fare, took the transfer card that he was entitled to (he could use it to get on another bus --expiring two hours after its purchase), and now that he was at his destination, decided to gift the transfer to someone waiting at a bus stop. And that person was me! Happily, I thanked him as he waved and walked away. Minutes later, still smiling, my bus arrived. I got on, entered the transfer card into the appropriate slot, watched it disappear, then made my way to a seat. During the bus ride, upon exiting, and on the walk to where I live, I kept thinking of that man and his kind gesture. I just kept thanking him and the Universe for the lovely and helpful experience. I wish him well :)


Monday, October 25, 2021

Thoughts on some words. And Cheering. You. On.

It can be hard to consider when we find ourselves quicksand deep in certain interactions. It can be hard to consider when we feel blindsided by an exchange that escalates, seemingly, out of nowhere. It can be hard to consider when the moment has passed but we keep revisiting it— keep triggering the wounding. But I post in hopes that, at some point, you’ll consider this and it’ll help you work through any relationships you’re navigating or any interactions you encounter. If it can, even a little, genuinely contribute to easing the heart and mind, if it can help contribute, even a little, to the extension of grace, I think it’s worth considering. Good luck. Cheering. You. On.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Cheering. You. On.

Help someone out today. Touch someone's heart. Remember the times when your heart has been touched or you were gifted a random act of kindness-- in the form of actions or words. I know when those memories pop up for me, it feels like I'm receiving the gift again. So, if you're feeling up for it, put some love, some light out into the world today. In any way that you feel you can. Thanks in advance. Cheering. You. On.

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Cheering. You. On.

It may be hard. Perhaps, you're out of practice or perhaps you've never truly practiced. But your kindness to yourself is vastly important. You are the one living in your skin. The words you choose to tell yourself has more impact than anyone else's words. So, please do try. And keep doing so. You are worthy of your own kindness. Cheering. You. On.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Cheering. You. On.

Wishing you a day of thriving (however that looks and feels for you), and should the moment(s) call for it, persevering, and, especially when things feels hard, so much compassion for what you find yourself and those who cross paths with you, navigating. Take loving care--as best as you are able. Cheering. You. On.

Friday, October 8, 2021


I feel like, if you love someone, you can be honest in your anger and frustration and communicate this without setting out to hurt or punish them with your words, your actions, your energy (i.e., punishing via aggression or passive aggressiveness, or any other love withholding habits). Yes, I know (I know), that this (like many things worth one’s energy) takes work and practice. But I wanted to mention it. I wanted to give voice to it because I don’t think many people consciously realize/ consciously consider that this approach is an option. So, I post in hopes of helping to change that/ helping to plant/water that seed.  

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Mental Snapshots in Target Today

Two of my favorite mental snapshots today while in Target:

#1: Walking past an aisle, I saw its lone occupant, a lady, possibly late 40ties to mid 50ties, dancing to the song being played through the store’s sound system. I didn’t recognize the song—but it felt like something from another era. And while her back was mostly to me as she swayed to the beat, gently moving her shoulders and arms, I did catch a glimpse of a smile coupled with a soft expression.

I don’t know if she would have continued dancing if we’d made eye contact. In that moment, she gave off the energy of someone comfortable in her skin, so, I like to think that she would, but I could also see her not dancing if someone else had already been in the aisle. Truth is, I’ll never know.

What I do know is I loved that she was dancing and that I got to see her doing so. The only other people I’ve ever truly seen dancing to music being played in stores are the little kids (3, 4, 5, 6-year-olds). And, as was the case with this lady in Target, I’ve often watched them and thought, “I love how present and committed to this moment you are. I love that you hear the music and you feel like dancing and you’re doing it. And I love how you've made me a little present, too.”

#2: Sometime later, making my way through another part of the store, I watched a smiling, energetic, little brown-skinned girl, maybe 3 or 4 years old, swinging a plastic orange Halloween pumpkin pail by its handle, run/ walk towards an aisle, and stop at a particular section. Her female guardian, who had been following behind, also stopped, parked their shopping cart off to the side of the aisle’s entrance, then watched the little girl with a smile of her own and an expression that spoke to me of love.


Friday, October 1, 2021

Cheering. You. On. With love, love, love.

To everyone navigating some tough emotional waters (whether or not you are consciously aware of the why of it underneath).

Cheering. You. On. With love, love, love xx