Tuesday, November 10, 2020


 So, although it’s winter here in my part of the world, fall is holding on pretty strongly.  And with fall, comes leaves.  Falling.  Thing is, that’s a pretty normal sight when you have trees on the property.  But it’s a puzzlement when you don’t.  Like you go outside and look up towards the sky and there are no trees in your sightline.  But once you start actively searching further out towards other people’s property, you see the trees.  That are shedding their leaves.  These leaves make their way over to where I live and camp outside my front door which happens to be my landlord’s backyard. And because the leaves will literally be right there when I open the door, I get a broom to sweep them out of the way, otherwise, they’ll come inside with me. And that’s no good. So, I sweep and then go about my business.  A few hours later, I’ll open the front door to run to the mailbox, or to go put something in the recycling bin, and it’s like I never swept.  I am greeted by leaves.  As far as the eyes can see.  It’s like they’re a crowd camped out for an outdoor concert, and I’m the one on stage.  So, once again, I get the broom and sweep them out of the way.  Now, you might be thinking, “Aren’t those just the leaves you swept up earlier?” No, dear reader. No. That pile is still where I swept it.  These are newly arrived leaves.  It’s gotten to the point where after I’ve swept and have gone inside, and I hear the crawling of leaves on the concrete, I have to laugh.  Because I can envision them crawling closer and closer to my front door, and there’s nothing I can do about it.  Except to sweep. And laugh.  Sometimes.  And accept this as my fate in the fall.  On a related note, I used to think the sound was actually creepy.  Seriously, next time you’re indoors, and maybe it’s night time, and you hear leaves crawling around on the concrete outside, see if it doesn’t sound creepy to you. It might just be me.  Let me know.   It’d be a good twist to a horror movie.  The main character is indoors, hears the creeping, crawling leaves, dismisses it.  But when she opens the door??!  Well, it’s something unexpected.