Friday, November 1, 2019

Pain. Anger. Fear. Cheering you on PSA

Pain. Anger. Fear.

Action step one: Breathe.  Feel what you feel. Feel and breathe. Repeat.

Side effects may include: Tears, Feelings of helplessness, Feelings of rage, Seemingly never ending keening, Making sounds you normally wouldn’t, Saying things you normally wouldn’t, In the case of anger, wishing you could set things on fire—like the corner of someone’s sleeve—just for the time it’d take for them to feel the heat that you feel.

Duration: As long as it takes to experience a break in the intensity.

Action step two: If and when ready, make the decision that you are open to healing. Deeply rooted healing. Start with just making the decision and gently keep returning to that decision. 

Side effects may include (in no particular order and may show up again and again) : Struggle with the idea, Doubt that any healing is possible, Temptation to give up, Inviting someone you trust into the conversation, Investing time and attention into what healing feels like to you, Gradual commitment to the decision, “Little” shifts in perspective, Commitment to your healing journey.

Duration: As long as it takes.

Cheering. You. On.