Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Rainbow! 6/19/19

I saw a rainbow this morning.
The sight filled me with delight!
I’m such a stan I got in some pics 
Before the clouds rolled by.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father’s Day 2019

To the fathers, fathering, loving, listening, engaging, encouraging, doing the work to heal so the generation to come reaps what was consciously sowed.  For all the trying and the doing, the sincere guardianship of the souls under your care, and for that caring made manifest in the hugs, talks, tough and not so tough decisions.  For all your time spent, from someone navigating the world with your child, I thank you. Happy Father’s Day.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Snapshot of Love— Little Girl, Stairs, Winning

Standing on the up bound escalator, destination street side, I glanced over to the bustling pedestrian traffic hiking the long lane of stairs to my right. Many literal steps ahead, I noticed a young girl, determinedly covering ground, make it to the top, turn around and beam triumphantly at  her almost there guardian. Not a smile, not a grin, but a full on beam radiating a palpable sense of accomplishment. I couldn’t help but share in her enthusiasm and smile. Maybe next week I’ll take the stairs. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Personal Musings on Giving the Benefit of the Doubt

Recently had three situations where I was waiting on replies from others and was reminded of the importance of giving said others the benefit of the doubt. With the first one, we had been texting — I had been asking questions and she had been replying and then she stopped.  About five days later she finished replying as if no time had passed. With the second one, I sent an email and learned two weeks later that he didn’t get my message. With the third, I sent him a text about a week and a half ago and I happened to see him in passing this evening and he broached the topic saying he was working on my request.  In his case, he’s my landlord and, technically, I first made this request about two years ago and just became more insistent about it in my last text😬What did I re-learn from all of this? I say “re-learn” because I’ve been taught this through experience before😬. 1) Still the temptation to jump to conclusions regarding why I haven’t heard back from someone, 2) If I started with a text or an email, give it a week or so and, if possible, follow up in person—going into it without assuming the lack of a reply is personal or deliberate. I mean, it could turn out that it was. But it could also not 😬😉