Sunday, January 27, 2019

Focus on Healing

“They should know better” is a seductive way of seeing. Obviously they don’t because their actions or words prove otherwise. Since it’s obvious they don’t, and since it’s obvious it’s bothering you, then speak up. If you can’t speak up, then focus on what you can do that is ultimately healing—focus on your own actions or thoughts that ultimately contributes to healing physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically. C. Y. O. Xx

Monday, January 21, 2019

Notice. Victory.

Don’t ignore the victories.
Acknowledge them.
And in acknowledging, celebrate their existence.
The oh-so-hard experiences, often, commandeer our attention. For so long. 
Mentally. Emotionally. Energetically.
Therefore, when recognizing a break in the weather,
when some light seeps through the clouds, it’s fitting, it’s imperative, we notice and take steps towards reclaiming balance.
It’s imperative we notice, and we celebrate the victories.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Experiencing love in a Jewelry Store

Stepped into a jewelry store to have a new battery placed into my wristwatch. Already in the store was a lady with her young son.  Bundled up for winter in his coat and hat, he looked to be about 4. His mom was being attended to and before long I turned my attention away from them as another employee came to assist me.  With the exception of the lady, her son and myself, everything else in the store, including the two attendants, was separated from us by glass.

While my new battery was being inserted, I looked over and saw the little boy was now occupied, playing with a yellow balloon that had a smiling cartoon face on it. He would hit it into the air and then run after it.  At one point he called out insistingly, “Mom, it’s your turn!” But at the time, Mom’s attention was on her phone.  When the balloon landed on a too high ledge, I stepped in, got it down for him and was rewarded with eye contact, a smile and a grateful, “Thank you!” Then he sent the balloon towards me and I found myself sending it back, effectively agreeing to playing with him for the duration of our time together.  Later, as he was very good at calling out whose turn it was to go after the balloon, his mom joined us. In passing, she said to me something to the effect that the store was such a great place to toss a balloon. Laughing at the humor of her delivery, I replied that at least everything was protected by glass, and followed up with how wonderful that he was so happily engaged with the simple game of hitting the balloon up into the air and catching it.  She agreed to both observations.

When it came time for me to leave, as I began to wave goodbye, he asked me for a hug. Surprised but charmed, I obliged, leaning down and giving him one. As I began straightening up, he added, “And a kiss!”  Now, even more surprised and even more charmed, I looked over at his mother to make sure it was okay, all the while thinking, this little boy was loved and obviously was used to hugs and kisses from the loving adults in his life.  In fact so loved and so comfortable that he saw no reason not to make the request of a stranger who took the time to play with him.  Being on the receiving end of such trust, innocence and, honestly, love, I wanted to fulfill his request and hoped his mother would allow it.  Giving her consent with a smile, I turned my attention back and crouching down once again, kissed him on the cheek, and thought of my six year old niece who also loves to give kisses and show affection.  Looking back at his mom, I told her he was just wonderful! She thanked me and I wished them both a great rest of their day, leaving the store with a smile on my face, and the words, “What a beautiful little boy!” in the forefront of my mind.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Self worth

Every thought, every action that brings you closer to nurturing healthy self worth deserves a mental parade, complete with marching bands, balloons, floats. I believe.

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Sometimes in life, while adrift in the sea of This-is-oh-so-Hard, I happen upon a form of assistance, that can ease, even if just for a little while, whatever Hard is calling upon me to channel Atlas.  A life enabler in the form of a sudden, in.conscious, technicolor remembering of blessings, dawns in me, so that at second glance, This-is-oh-so-Hard, transforms into This-is-oh-so-Hard-(deep inhale. slow exhale)-But... 

Poem: Two Ds

When I reach out and am met with no reply, it re-triggers a wounding.
I think:
Why is my time and energy seemingly not worth honoring?
Depending on the situation, I think:
Did I say too much?
Ultimately, I think: what did I do to warrant no replies?
Of course, you can be busy.
But if I have to reach out again and, possibly, again
It’s a D:
Yours stands for Dishonoring.
Mine, if I choose to accept it, Disempowering.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Relishing Abundance

Earlier this evening, as I made my way to the subway station after work, I walked by a pigeon getting his fill of a slice of premium looking pizza someone had dropped on the sidewalk. This pigeon was unflappable and completely committed to embracing the, dare I say unexpected, abundance? Pigeon was chowing down, enjoying that slice! Didn’t even shake a tail feather when a human flew by, rolling luggage in tow, a mere few inches away from pigeon and pizza. 

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Kit of Pigeons

I saw a kit of pigeons perched upon a nearby roof. Suddenly, with wings outstretched, soaring up into the air, they struck a stunning, fluid tableau giving the previously otherwise occupied pedestrians below, pause.  I like to think they were playing tag 😉.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

First Day of the New Year

On my first outing in the new year,
first I heard the roar — that magnificent tidal wave of a roar.
Then harnessing that which, to my mind, rivals the unbridled love of a young child,
I felt the rush towards me, a forceful, yet gentle, insistence, buffeting-swirling-enveloping me with a fierceness, leaving me uplifted in the wake of contact.
I love that.
I love when the wind hugs me.

And I love that welcome into the new year 😊 (1/1)