Friday, May 11, 2018

Working through things

The other day, I was energetically thrown by something outside of me— the thing itself and my reaction to it. And then, I contributed to the experience by adding stones to my pockets— “What can I do?”, “I have to figure this out!”— etc. And then, I got upset with those in the vicinity for not playing the role I felt they should play— which was really born out of comparing them to others I know would have acted differently in the same situation.

I did some writing on it before I went to bed, acknowledging how weighted down the whole experience still made me feel. I was able to shift some of the heaviness via the writing and other tools that helped me feel more centered, and when I woke up the next day, I felt better. And in feeling better, I realized the comparison game I had been playing the day before was never going to help me navigate the situation— never ever ever. That split focus in energy was siphoning off what I could have used to maintain calm or try to maintain calm. But I also realized that inspite of that, I still did do the best that I could in the moment that things were unfolding— both during the main event, as well as later with the writing and centering tools before going to bed. This morning, after sinking my feet into the carpet of those realizations, as I was getting ready for my day, I happened upon this “random” little feather. My second “random” feather this week   It made me feel like I was being cheered on . So now, I’d like to take the opportunity to pass on the love as you navigate the expected and unexpected. Holding space for our ultimately making those inner connections that move us closer to living inner peace both in the moment and during mental playbacks—however that inner peace uniquely looks and feels to us. C.Y.O. Xx