Wednesday, June 25, 2014

6/25/14 Entry (Breaking News!)

Breaking news: The small strawberry rhubarb pie purchased from the Farmer's Market over the weekend is gone, finished, no longer. It was last sighted yesterday evening in the company of a silver colored fork between 7 and 7:15 PM. It is highly unlikely that there will be any further information on the small strawberry rhubarb pie purchased from the Farmer's Market over the weekend.
And now back to our regularly scheduled programming: "I promise myself aspects of this day will ROCK!" wink emoticon grin emoticon

Sunday, June 15, 2014

6/15/14 Entry (Happy Father's Day)

Happy Father's Day♫ Thank you for the love and care and gift of your guiding presence--speaking as a daughter, truly, TRULY, it is invaluable. Thank you for always doing your best--speaking as a daughter, hindsight kicks in later even when unfolding events may feel as though they're signalling otherwise wink emoticon Thank you for being♫ Thank you♫ Thank you♫ I'm a BIG fan smile emoticon That's me in the stands with a HUGE sign, Cheering. You. On heart emoticon

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June 1st 2014 A Journal Entry

Dear Lord,

Earlier today I became afraid.

I had approached M about retirement and asked his advice. When I had first planned on speaking to him about it, approximately three weeks ago, I was operating under the assumption that he could point me in a crystal clear direction. I chose to operate under this assumption even after he stated this wasn't his area of expertise. But as far as I was concerned, he had more expertise on the subject than I did and that was enough for me to convince myself that his insights could really propel me forward on how to proceed.

Well, he did have insights and they left me feeling anxious.

There's a quote, loosely paraphrased, that if one is depressed, one is thinking of the past and if one is anxious, one is thinking about the future.

I guess one can make the argument that it's not so black and white. After all, one could day dream about the future, laying the foundation of a positive, invigorating, joy filled experience.

In this particular situation though, I found the quote to be spot on.

So I asked for metaphysical guidance through the use of Doreen Virtue's Archangel Oracle cards.

In general, asking for metaphysical assistance works for me. Be it via prayer, meditation or seeking guidance from Oracle cards, it works for me. It's worked for me for quite awhile and so I trust my instinct to turn to it.

The first card I drew encouraged me to get outside. The idea behind it being to breathe in natural air, connect with nature, allow nature to help get me back to being centered and grounded.

So here I am sitting outside on the step in front of my parents' place in my pajamas and white socks.

As I sit out here taking in nature and giving voice to the thoughts in my head and heart, I have to say I'm glad I listened to the card's advice.

The second card I had drawn had a picture of Archangel Michael on it and was titled, You Are Safe. And it immediately made me feel better. It reminded me that in the present, in the here and now, I am safe. It reminded me that just as I am safe right here, right now, to trust that I will be safe come the time for me to retire.

It's important for me to be more conscious whlst in the here and now, especially since the "future" is comprised of my here and now--is comprised of anything I choose to do in the here and now.

I drew some other cards but the upshot of it all is I'm feeling less anxious and more determined and hope filled and trusting.

I took, as far as I'm concerned, my necessary steps to get talked down from that ledge called, anxiety. And, come what may, I'll continue to take the necessary steps to get myself back to center.

I make this pledge to myself. Come what may.

And I am filled with heart felt gratitude for all the assistance that I receive--both the physical and the metaphysical♥

Thanks for everything♥