Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What the Moment Can Offer

Yesterday, I saw P____. It was the first time in a long time.

I was at the gym, about to begin my workout, and as I was walking over to my machine of choice, I saw him sitting at the next machine over.

I remember smiling to myself.

I remember a peaceful feeling of genuine easy flowing warmth.

I walked over and said, "Hello P____."

He smiled back and offered his hello.

Then we each turned to our machines and began our sets.

It felt fine. It was easy. There were no fear thoughts before or after.

I realized today that the difference in the interaction was I chose to engage with him in the moment without preconceived expectations. I'm sure my Inner Mantras of Letting Go also helped prepare me for that moment. But the gem of the interaction is the realization that I saw him in the moment. I engaged with him in the moment. I didn't shy away. I didn't allow myself to be less than. I wasn't seeing him through 2011 glasses. I claimed my space and it felt good and easy. I smiled, said hello, and allowed the unfolding of whatever the exchange was to be, to just be...